EEDRF presents:
Quick & Honest



— Why quick?
— All our speakers are professionals and busy people. They can speak about important things in a quick way.
— Why honest?
— We are tired with ambiguous discussions of things that are not that important. We intend to deal only with the most useful information in the most honest way.
— And also UNIQUE!
— You have the chance to address your questions by email and the most interesting questions will be addressed to our speakers.
Our Speakers:
Claudia Salomon, Gary B. Born, Noah Rubins QC, Adrian Lifely, Yelena Stasyk, Dr. Carri Ginter, Katia Finkel, Anastasia Bondarenko, Louis Flannery QC, Jennifer Younan, Dr. Vytautas Nekrošius, Gene M. Burd.
Send your questions
to our speakers by email:
Have pleasant viewing!
EEDRF presents: Quick & Honest
Quick & Honest with Ms. Claudia Salomon.
International Arbitration with a Client Mindset.
Interviewer is Mr. Alexandre Khrapoutski, a partner at Lex Torre Law Office
Quick & Honest with Mr. Gary Born.
Future of International Arbitration.
Interviewer is Mr. Alexandre Khrapoutski, a partner at Lex Torre Law Office
Quick & Honest with Ms. Yelena Stasyk.
Document Production – Effective Instrument In International Arbitration
Interviewer is Mr. Yaroslav Petrov, a partner at Asters Law Firm
Quick & Honest with Mr. Noah Rubins QC.
Getting the best out of cross-examination and knowing when to stop.
Interviewer is Mr. Artem Doudko, a partner at Osborne Clarke.
Quick & Honest with Mr. Adrian Lifely.
London is the capital of… Arbitration?
Interviewer is Olena Perepelynska, a partner at Integrites
Quick & Honest with Mr. Louis Flannery QC.
Disclosure and conflicts following Halliburton v Chubb.
Interviewer is Mr. Andrey Panov, counsel at Allen&Overy.
Quick & Honest with Mr. Vytautas Nekrošius
Do we need Regional Arbitration Institutions?
Interviewer is Mr. Alexey Anischenko, partner at Sorainen.
Quick & Honest with Ms. Anastasia Bondarenko.
Monetization of legal assets.
Interviewer is Ms. Olena Perepelynska, partner at Integrites.
Quick & Honest with Mr. Gene M. Burd
Enforcement of arbitral awards in the Untied States.
Interviewer is Ms. Anna Guillard-Sazhko, Shearman&Sterling.
Quick & Honest with Ms. Jennifer Younan.
The ISDS Backlash: what, why and where to now
Interviewer is Mr. Maksim Zhukov, counsel at Lex Torre Law Office
Quick & Honest with Dr. Carri Ginter.
Dispute resolution – EU angle.
Interviewer is Ms. Anna Guillard Sazhko, Shearman & Sterling.
Quick & Honest with Katia Finkel.
The ISDS Backlash: what, why and where to now
Interviewer is Mr. Alexander Korobeinikov, Baker McKenzie

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